Neighborhood Fun Fly Committee Report 

Here is a draft schedule that Dennis Duplice and I have been working on for the Neighborhood Fun Fly which is being held on 8/14/2005 from 9:30 to 4:00.  Even with all the flight time reserved for beginners, there is quite a bit of time for club members to get flying time in during the day’s events.  As you look through the schedule you will see times set aside for electrics, war birds, helicopters, and large scale aerobatics. This is only a draft and, based on your feedback, will most likely change slightly.

 No one should feel left out.  There are many opportunities to help make this event gratifying for both visitors and members alike.  Volunteers are needed in these areas:

1.      Greeters

2.      Distributing flyers in advance of the event

3.      Feeding the hungry

4.      Selling tickets

5.      Who has an airplane with smoke? We would like to add you and your model to one of the demos because smoke adds just a little more pizzazz for the spectators.

6.      Need volunteer war bird pilots for flight demo. 11:15 to 11:45

7.      Need volunteer heli pilots for flight demo. 12:45 to 1:15

8.      We need more trainer airplanes

9.      Suggestions are welcome

10.  As you look through the schedule see where you would be comfortable plugging in your name and let either me or Dennis know.


Flight simulator runs all day (Ray Knieriem).  Ticket sales for the drawing are sold all day. Tickets cost $1 each or 5 for $3.00 or 8 for $5.00.  The winner must be present to win.

 Emcees are Fred Myer, Dennis Duplis & Dick Wilkins

 9:30 – 10:15 Electrics demo. 
flown by (Mark O’Connel, Rob, Fred Meyer, Ray, John Banks (heli) and Eric Ehrenfels

 Food is served from10:45 to 2:00 pm

10:30 – 11:00 intro flights figure 10 minutes per student.



John Banks

Bob Boudreau

Dennis Duplice

Brian Jolicour

Ron Czjowski

Fred Myer

11:15 – 11:45 War Bird demonstration.

            List make and model of bird

            List builder / pilot(s)

 12:00 – 12:30 intro flights 10 minutes each



John Banks

Bob Boudreau

Dennis Duplice

Brian Jolicour

Ron Czjowski

Fred Myer

 12:45 – 1:15 Heli Demo

            List make and model of bird

            List builder / pilot(s)

1:30 – 2:00 intro flights 10 minutes each



Lou Carpio

Ray Knieriem

Dennis Duplice

Tom Vernon?

Bernie Liskov

Brian Jolicour?

2:15 to 2:45 Large scale aerobatic demonstration Bernie Liskov Edge 540, John Banks Extra 330L, Lou Carpio Extra 330L.

3:00 is drawing, 3:10 winner takes to the skies with their new airplane. Winner must be present to win!

3:30 – 4:00 intro flights 10 minutes each.



Lou Carpio

Ray Knieriem

Dennis Duplice

Tom Vernon?

Bernie Liskov

Brian Jolicour?