of the November 15th, 2005
The November 15th, 2005 meeting of the RC Propbusters was called to
order at 7:02pm with 17 members present.
The October minutes were accepted as read.
The Treasurer’s Report delivered by Ron Czikowsky was accepted as read.
Old Business:
Name Tags:
Bernie reported back with some information that he received from Bill
Mares regarding nametag supplies. Bernie will continue to work on this
issue and report back to us.
New Business:
Jack brought up the idea of how much longer we wanted to continue to
pump and refill the porta-toilet. The service will continue through the
beginning of December before the outhouse is pumped out and stored for
the winter.
District One AMA fly-in:
John Banks initiated a discussion regarding the possibility of a
District 1 AMA fly-in at our field. John spoke to Andy Argenio, our
District One Vice President, and was approached with the idea of a
District 1 Fly in. A motion was made to further to investigate this and
to go forward with hosting this event. Tom Vernon will approach Stu
Gadbois with the idea, and discuss we may need additional parking as we
may have 100 pilots based on the success of this years District 1
fly-in. Event will be open to all AMA members in District 1 without any
landing fees. The club stands to make 600-800$ from the AMA for hosting
this event, not to mention income for concession sales and recognition
for the great facility that we have. This past year’s event held in MA
had over 60 pilots even after a rumor had spread that the event was
cancelled the week before. This is a great opportunity for the club.
Club Events:
Fred will put together a prospectus of possible dates for our annual
club events and bring that back to the membership at the next meeting.
Precautions will be taken this year to minimize damage to the road in
the early spring. Jack Holmgren, as field marshal, will determine the
appropriate times for the field to be off limits to members based on
road conditions as to minimize rutting and damage in the early spring.
This will also eliminate possible damage to Stu’s crops when members
avoid the rutted road and drive over his fields.
A discussion was brought up regarding our roller and possible
maintenance. It was decided that the roller is in good shape and will
remain as is. Jack will continue wit necessary maintenance.
New Members: Jim Cyr, David Teer, and Ed Berlin were voted in as new
members. These three gentlemen are members of the Swamp Flyers club as
well as Windingbrook RC in Rockyhill. Known by several members of the RC
Propbusters already, they will be a welcome addition to the club!
Minutes Correction for the October Meeting’s Minutes:
While constructing the October meeting’s minutes, I failed to include
the fact that the by-law change that had been proposed, changing the
club meeting schedule back to once every month was voted on, passed, and
put into affect. The RC Propbusters will now conduct meetings every
month of the year, on the third Tuesday of each month.
Respectfully Submitted,
John C. Banks IV - Secretary
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